My dear students,the school year is over,so I wish you to spend your summer holidays excellent and unforgettable.Try to take part in outdoor activities as much as possible! Eate fresh fruits and vegetables, swim and sunbathe,but remember that the 1st September is not so far and I am looking forward meeting with you!
English is mine!
Блог учителя английского языка ГБОУ гимназии №295 Трубачевой Е.В
среда, 24 июня 2015 г.
вторник, 10 марта 2015 г.
вторник, 17 февраля 2015 г.
Defender of the Fatherland Day!!!Do not forget to congratulate your fathers,grandfathers and uncles with this grate Russian holiday!
Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday rooted in Soviet Union observed in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus celebrated on February 23.
The holiday was established to commemorate the first mass draft into the Red Army in February 23, 1918. It was originally know as a Red Army Day. In 1949 it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day, however following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was renamed Defender of the fatherland Day.
For some Russians, the holiday came to include celebration of men as a whole, and to act as a counterpart of International Women's Day on March 8. During that day the most important politicians are laying flowers at the Tomb to the Unknown Soldier.
During that day many events takes place including processions and parades in honor of veterans. Women give small gifts to the men, especially to their husbands, boyfriends, fathers and sons.
Russians like to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day with a sumptuous dinner. At the evening all restaurants and pubs are full of people, where, according to officers' custom, everybody is drinking alcohol while standing up.
Take this opportunity and send ecards, Defender of the Fatherland Day quotes and wishes in this special day.
The holiday was established to commemorate the first mass draft into the Red Army in February 23, 1918. It was originally know as a Red Army Day. In 1949 it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day, however following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was renamed Defender of the fatherland Day.
For some Russians, the holiday came to include celebration of men as a whole, and to act as a counterpart of International Women's Day on March 8. During that day the most important politicians are laying flowers at the Tomb to the Unknown Soldier.
During that day many events takes place including processions and parades in honor of veterans. Women give small gifts to the men, especially to their husbands, boyfriends, fathers and sons.
Russians like to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day with a sumptuous dinner. At the evening all restaurants and pubs are full of people, where, according to officers' custom, everybody is drinking alcohol while standing up.
Take this opportunity and send ecards, Defender of the Fatherland Day quotes and wishes in this special day.
пятница, 13 февраля 2015 г.
Saint Valentine’s Day
Saint Valentine’s Day
Every February, 14, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday?
The history of Valentine’s Day is shrouded in mystery. St. Valentine’s Day contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. There are many legends about Saint Valentine and the origins of the holiday.
Legends of Valentine’s Day
One legend says that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those married, he outlawed marriage for young men.
Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. And Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death, which probably occurred around 270 A.D.
According to another legend, Valentine actually sent the first ‘valentine’ greeting himself. While in prison, Valentine fell in love with a young girl, his jailor’s daughter, who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed ‘From your Valentine,’ an expression that is still in use today. Legends usually says that Valentine was a sympathetic, heroic, and romantic person. In the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.
Valentine’s Day and Christian church
But there is a version that the Christian church may have decided to celebrate Valentine’s day in the middle of February in an effort to ‘christianize’ celebrations of the pagan Lupercalia festival. Lupercalia, which began at the ides of February, February 15, was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of fertility, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.
In the day, according to legend, all the young women in the city would place their names in a big jar. The city’s bachelors would then each choose a name out of the jar and would then be a partner of chosen woman for the duration of the festival. Sometimes the pairing of the people lasted an entire year, and often, they would fall in love and would later marry.
Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine’s Day around 498 A.D. The Roman ‘lottery’ system for romantic pairing was deemed un-Christian and outlawed.
Valentine’s Day in 17-18 centuries
Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending simple gifts such as flowers.
In Great Britain, Valentine’s Day began to be popularly celebrated around the seventeenth century. By the middle of the eighteenth century, it was common for friends and lovers in all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes.
By the end of the century, printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvements in printing technology.
Americans probably began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland, known as the Mother of the Valentine, began to sell the first mass-produced valentines in America.
Interesting facts about Valentine’s Day
- Valentine’s Day is the second largest card-sending holiday of the year (after Christmas).
- Approximately 85 percent of all valentines are purchased by women.
Modern Valentine’s Day
Nowadays Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries of the world on February 14. It is a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as “valentines”).
Modern Valentine’s Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid.
пятница, 26 декабря 2014 г.
пятница, 28 ноября 2014 г.
Mother's Day is celebrated to honor all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up a child. Most countries including US, Australia, Canada and India celebrate Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May. Mothers Day came into being due to the efforts made by Ms Julia Ward Howe and Ms Anna Jarvis. The Resolution for having a dedicated Mother's Day was signed by US President Woodrow Wilson on May 8, 1914. Since then people across the world have been celebrating Mothers Day with joy and devotion.

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